Global Business Builders

Imports, Exports, and International Clarity - The Kathryn Read Interview

Episode Summary

In this episode, Kathryn Read discusses her experience in international business and offers insights into navigating cultural differences, managing supply chain challenges, and expanding into new markets. She emphasizes the importance of understanding local customs and holidays, as well as the need for structured approaches to international expansion. Kathryn also shares her personal techniques for managing productivity and organization, including the use of tools like Asana and HubSpot. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to Kathryn for consultations and access to resources that can help them navigate the complexities of international business. Takeaways Understanding cultural differences and local customs is crucial for successful international business. Managing supply chain challenges, such as holidays and shipping delays, requires careful planning and coordination. Structured approaches to international expansion, including market analysis and strategic partnerships, can lead to better outcomes. Effective productivity and organization tools, such as Asana and HubSpot, can help streamline international business operations. Links: Kathryn on LINKED: Kathryn's Website: Contact Show Operator, Producer, and Host, WARREN SPIWAK: The Global Chamber Website 01:00Discovering the Chamber of Commerce 03:18Moving to Austria and the Impact on Career 08:03First Opportunity in Export 14:08Understanding Cultural Differences in International Business 16:06Navigating Holidays and Supply Chain Challenges 21:38Profile of Clients Seeking International Expansion 25:04Transitioning to Self-Proficiency in International Business 27:32Understanding Different Markets and Cultures 33:08Personal Techniques and Adjustments for International Work 38:05Business Culture 41:32Managing Productivity and Organization 42:56Getting in Touch with Kathryn Read

Episode Notes

In this episode, Kathryn Read discusses her experience in international business and offers insights into navigating cultural differences, managing supply chain challenges, and expanding into new markets. She emphasizes the importance of understanding local customs and holidays, as well as the need for structured approaches to international expansion. Kathryn also shares her personal techniques for managing productivity and organization, including the use of tools like Asana and HubSpot. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to Kathryn for consultations and access to resources that can help them navigate the complexities of international business.



Kathryn on LINKED:

Kathryn's Website:

Contact Show Operator, Producer, and Host, WARREN SPIWAK:

The Global Chamber Website

01:00Discovering the Chamber of Commerce

03:18Moving to Austria and the Impact on Career

08:03First Opportunity in Export

14:08Understanding Cultural Differences in International Business

16:06Navigating Holidays and Supply Chain Challenges

21:38Profile of Clients Seeking International Expansion

25:04Transitioning to Self-Proficiency in International Business

27:32Understanding Different Markets and Cultures

33:08Personal Techniques and Adjustments for International Work

38:05Business Culture

41:32Managing Productivity and Organization

42:56Getting in Touch with Kathryn Read